NABARD Project Guide
The NABARD Project Guide provides information on various livestock farming projects, such as NABARD Poultry Farming Project, NABARD Dairy Farming Project, NABARD Sheep Farming Project, NABARD Pig Farming Project, and others.
The guide is available in both Hindi and English and helps explain how to obtain a subsidy through NABARD. It also estimates the investment required for specific livestock farming projects.
The guide is divided into two parts: (A) NABARD Project Guide in English and (B) NABARD Project Guide in Hindi.
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You can purchase high-quality animal and bird feed supplements, premixes, and ingredients online.
A. NABARD Project Guide in English
2.Nabard Dairy Farming Project
3.Nabard Layer Farming Project
4.Nabard Sheep Farming Project
5.Nabard Broiler Farming Project
6.Intensive Fish Culture Project
7.Nabard Automated Milk Collection Project
B. हिंदी में नाबार्ड पशुपालन परियोजना
3.मॉडल स्कीम मछली कोल्ड्स्टोरेज
5.नाबार्ड डेयरी फार्मिंग प्रोजेक्ट
6.दुग्ध कूलिंग यूनिट मॉडल प्रोजेक्ट
7.नाबार्ड लेयर पोल्ट्री फार्मिंग प्रोजेक्ट
8.नाबार्ड ब्रायलर पोल्ट्री फार्मिंग प्रोजेक्ट
9.मॉडल ऑटोमेटिक दूध संग्रहण केंद्र योजना
You can purchase high-quality animal and bird feed supplements, premixes, and ingredients online.