Amino Power – A Combination of 46 Amino Acids, Vitamins, and Minerals for the Growth and Immunity of Aquaculture, Poultry, Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Goats, Sheep,Birds and Pigeons

Amino Power is a carefully formulated blend of 46 essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to support many animals' and birds' growth, health, and immunity. This powerful combination is tailored to meet each animal's unique nutritional needs, promoting their overall well-being and performance.

Benefits of Amino Power for Poultry:

Amino Power helps all types of poultry grow faster and gain weight. This improves egg production and quality and prevents early chick deaths. It also boosts immunity and helps poultry handle stress. Amino Power aids in quick recovery from Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) and promotes weight gain after recovery in poultry.

Benefits of Amino Power Dairy for Cattle:

Amino Power enhances dairy cattle's muscle function, joint and hoof health, immune system, and coat quality. It also increases milk production and improves its quality. Amino Power is an excellent growth promoter for calves and enhances vitality in sick dairy cattle.

Benefits of Amino Power for Horses and Equines:

Amino Power helps horses stay healthy and strong. It improves muscle function, joint health, hoof health, and the quality of the horse's coat. It also supports the horse's immune system and long-term stamina for racing. Amino Power is essential for a horse's energy, tissue growth, and repair.

Benefits of Amino Power for Goat and Sheep:

Amino Power helps sheep and goats grow healthier and heavier faster. It boosts energy and immunity and improves hair coat quality. Amino Power significantly enhances the health of weak sheep and goats.

Benefits of Amino Power for  Pig and Swine:

Amino Power helps pigs grow faster and healthier, gain weight, reproduce, and lactate. It also strengthens the immune system and reduces stress in pigs. Amino Power is essential for the immunity and faster, healthier growth of piglets.

Benefits of Amino Power  for Pet Birds:

Amino Power helps pet birds grow and gain weight faster. It also supports their overall health and wellness, promoting healthy feather growth and vibrant colour. This supplement acts as an energy booster, helping birds manage stress. Additionally, it supports breeding and molting in pet birds.

Benefits of Amino  Power for Pigeons:

Amino Power boosts muscle strength, stamina, and overall health in racing pigeons. It helps them deal with stress and recover faster. Amino Power also supports pigeons during breeding and molting seasons, preventing the mortality of small birds and enhancing pigeon immunity.

Benefits of Amino Power for Aquaculture:

Amino Power helps all aquaculture breeds grow faster and gain weight. It improves fertility and hatchability in fish, shrimp, and prawns while also preventing mortality and enhancing immunity. Additionally, it serves as an energy booster and helps fish, shrimp, and prawns cope with stress.

Compositions: Each 100 ml contains
  • Vitamin A: 80000 IU
  • Vitamin B1 : 250 mg
  • Vitamin B2 : 25 mg
  • Vitamin B6 : 200 mg
  • Vitamin B12 : 1.5 mcg
  • Vitamin D3 : 5800 IU
  • Vitamin E: 375 mg
  • Vitamin K: 50 mg
  • Pantothenic Acid: 150 mg
  • Choline: 50 mg
  • Biotin: 0.2 mg
  • Folic Acid: 0.2 mg
  • Niacinamide: 250 Mg
  • Inositol:25 mg
Amino Acids:
  • Methionine :750 mg
  • Lysine :400 mg
  • Histidine : 105 mg
  • Arginine :156 mg
  • Aspartic Acid :805 mg
  • Threonine : 305 mg
  • Serine : 318 mg
  • Glutamic Acid : 478 mg
  • Proline : 96 mg
  • Betaine : 350 mg
  • Glycine : 712 mg
  • Peptides : 200 mg
  • Nucleotides : 200 mg
  • Alanine : 235 mg
  • Cysteine : 100 mg
  • Valine : 215 mg
  • Leucine : 356 mg
  • Isoleucine : 225 mg
  • Tyrosine : 295 mg
  • Phenylalanine : 211 mg
  • Tryptophan : 55 mg
  • Zinc Sulphate : 120 mg
  • Yeast Extract : 500 mg
Trace Minerals:
  • Sodium Chloride : 155 mg
  • Magnesium Sulphate : 65 mg
  • Manganese Sulphate : 125 mg
  • Sodium Bicarbonate : 125 mg
  • Calcium Hypophosphate : 40 mg
  • Copper Sulphate : 150 mg
  • Potassium Chloride : 100 mg
  • Selenium : 50 mg
  • Sodium Citrate : 100 mg
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  • Poultry: (For 100 Birds) Broilers: 10-15 ml. Layers and Breeders:15-20 ml.
  • Dairy Cattle: Large Animals: 20 ml in the morning and 20 ml in the evening. Small Animals: 10 ml in the morning and 10 ml in the evening
  • Horse and Equine: Large Animals: 20 ml in the morning and 20 ml in the evening. Small Animals: 10 ml in the morning and 10 ml in the evening
  • Goat and Sheep: 10 ml in the morning and 10 ml in the evening. Small Animals: 5 ml in the morning and 5 ml in the evening
  • Pig and Swine: 10 ml. morning and 10 ml. Evening. Small Animals: 5 ml in the morning and 5 ml in the evening
  • Pet Birds: 5 ml. with 200 ml of water or soak with food
  • Pigeon: 10 ml. with 500 ml of water or soak with 500 gm of feed.
  • Aquaculture: Mix 15 ml of Amino Power Liquid with 500 ml water, then mix with 1 kg of feed.
  • 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr
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