Chelated Minerals for Poultry

Benefits of Chelated Minerals for Poultry :

Chelated minerals can enhance egg production and improve egg and eggshell quality in layer poultry. They also boost growth, hatchability, and fertility in all species of birds, as well as improve poultry carcass quality. In addition, Growmin Forte Plus addresses mineral and amino acid deficiencies in poultry, and its chelated minerals protect against rickets and reduce chick mortality. Chelated minerals for poultry are minerals bound to organic molecules, typically amino acids or peptides, making them more bioavailable for poultry. Utilizing chelated minerals in poultry nutrition offers several benefits.

Improved Mineral Absorption

 Chelated minerals for poultry are more easily absorbed in the gut than inorganic minerals. This leads to better utilisation of essential minerals like zinc, copper, iron, and manganese, critical for poultry health and growth.

Enhanced Immune Function

 The improved bioavailability of chelated minerals for poultry supports the immune system, making birds more resistant to diseases and stress. Zinc and copper, in particular, are known to enhance immune responses.

Better Growth and Development

Chelated minerals promote better growth rates and feed conversion efficiency. This is due to the more efficient use of minerals vital for enzyme function, skeletal development, and overall metabolism.

Stronger Bone Health

Essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus are crucial for bone formation. Chelated minerals for poultry improve bone density and strength, reducing leg disorders and deformities in poultry, especially in fast-growing broiler chickens.

Reduced Environmental Impact

Since chelated minerals are better absorbed, less is excreted in the manure. This decreases the environmental load of minerals like zinc and copper in the litter, helping to minimise soil and water contamination.

Improved Reproductive Performance

Chelated minerals have been shown to improve reproductive performance in breeding birds. They can enhance egg production, eggshell quality, and overall hatchability.

Better Skin and Feather Health

Zinc and copper, in chelated forms, contribute to healthy skin and feathering. This can reduce feather pecking and skin lesions, improving poultry’s welfare and appearance.

Support During Stress

Poultry often undergo periods of stress, such as during transportation, vaccination, or temperature changes. Chelated minerals help mitigate the adverse effects of stress by supporting metabolism and immune function.

Reduction in Antimicrobial Use

 With enhanced immunity and overall health, poultry supplemented with chelated minerals often requires fewer antibiotics, promoting healthier, more natural growth and reducing antimicrobial resistance. Chelated minerals for poultry can improve mineral absorption and utilisation, leading to healthier, more productive poultry with reduced environmental impacts.

Composition: Each 100 ml contains
  • MHA : 128 gm
  • Choline Chloride : 64 gm
  • Lysine Hydro Chloride : 64 gm
  • Sodium : 450 mg
  • Phosphorus : 154  mg
  • Magnesium : 595  mg
  • Zinc : 216  mg
  • Ferrous (Iron) : 223 mg
  • Copper : 160 mg
  • Cobalt : 206 mg
  • Manganese : 385 mg
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Dosage: Poultry (For 100 Birds)Broilers: 10 ml. Layers and Breeders: 20 ml.It should be given consistently for 7 to 10 days every month.Packaging:
  • 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr
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