Grow – Cal D3 – A Powerful Calcium Supplement for Poultry

Calcium for poultry is an essential mineral, crucial to their overall health and productivity. Calcium is necessary for bone formation in growing chicks. A lack of calcium and phosphorus in the growing broiler chicks' diet can lead to poultry rickets. Poultry requires calcium as an essential mineral, especially for skeletal growth in chicks. Additionally, calcium is vital for layer poultry as it contributes to better eggshells and egg quality.

Here are the key benefits of Grow Cal D3, a powerful calcium supplement for poultry that includes vitamins, zinc, carbohydrates, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Bone Development and Strength

  • Bone Formation: Calcium is the primary mineral that makes up the bones and skeleton of poultry. It is vital for the proper growth and strength of bones, especially in young chicks.
  • Prevents Leg Weakness: Adequate calcium helps prevent leg weakness and deformities like rickets in growing birds.

Eggshell Formation

  • Strong Eggshells: Laying hens need high calcium for eggshell production. Approximately 94-97% of the eggshell is calcium carbonate, making calcium crucial for ensuring eggshell quality and strength.
  • Prevention of Thin Shells: A calcium deficiency leads to thin, weak eggshells, increasing the risk of breakage and loss in egg production.

Muscle Function and Nerve Transmission

  • Muscle Contraction: Calcium plays a role in muscle function, including the contractions necessary for digestion, movement, and egg-laying.
  • Nerve Function: Proper calcium levels are needed for nerve signal transmission, contributing to overall body coordination and reflexes.

Regulation of Blood Clotting

  • Calcium aids in blood clotting, which is essential in preventing excessive bleeding when birds experience injuries or trauma.

Immune System Support

  • Adequate calcium supports the immune system, helping poultry resist infections and recover quickly from illnesses.

Optimizes Feed Efficiency

  • Calcium intake and other nutrients, such as phosphorus and vitamin D3, optimize feed efficiency, ensuring better growth rates, more vital eggs, and overall productivity.

Prevention of Calcium Deficiency in Poultry

  • Hypocalcemia: Low calcium levels can lead to hypocalcemia, which can cause muscle spasms, poor egg production, and reduced growth.
  • Osteoporosis: Prolonged calcium deficiency in laying hens can result in osteoporosis, which causes bones to become brittle and prone to fractures.

Optimal Calcium Sources for Poultry:

  • Limestone or Oyster Shells: Common sources added to poultry feed.
  • Commercial Poultry Feed: Usually formulated with the right amount of calcium.
  • Calcium Supplements: Sometimes provided to boost calcium intake, especially for laying hens.

In conclusion, calcium is essential for poultry growth, productivity, and overall health, making it a key component in poultry nutrition.

Composition: Each 100 ml contains
  • Calcium Organic: 1700 mg
  • Vitamin D3: 8,000 I.U.
  • Vitamin B12: 100 mcg
  • Carbohydrate: 400 mg
  • Phosphorus: 850 mg
  • Zinc: 90 mg
  • Magnesium: 150 mg
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  • Poultry (For 100 Birds)
  • Broilers: 10-15 ml.
  • Layers and Breeders: 15-20 ml.
It should be given consistently for 7 to 10 days every month.Packaging:
  • 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 ltr, & 5 ltr
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